Introduction to themes

Media Chrome provides you with Web Components that are easy to style via CSS. This is great for media players that are embedded in your own webpage or require less portability. However it’s often the case that a media player will be used by 3rd parties or maybe the player needs to support different layouts and styles depending on the context.

Themes provide a great solution for changing the look and feel of your player, and wrap your media controls up in a nice and portable package.

Remember to add the seperate media-theme-element module for the theme component.

import "media-chrome";
import "media-chrome/media-theme-element";

Themes are created primarily with HTML + CSS and its contents are defined in a <template> element. The web component <media-theme> takes the contents of the template and renders this in its shadow DOM. If you’re unfamiliar with shadow DOM, you can think of it as a separate document attached to a web component that prevents leaking styles and DOM behaviors to the main document.

First define the <template> with a unique id attribute and add the HTML and CSS as contents for the theme you’re creating. Any valid HTML is allowed.

Next up declare a <media-theme> element where you would like to show the theme, set a template attribute to your chosen unique template id to link them up. This is all you need for your theme to appear.

<template id="hello-theme">Hello world</template>
<media-theme template="hello-theme"></media-theme>

You could say <media-theme> is a simple template renderer and that’s true for now but it does a bit more behind the scenes as you will find out later in this article.

Outputting Hello world probably ain’t gonna impress your boss who wants to see a slick new media player so lets up the game by adding some Media Chrome components.

Internally the <template> contents is rendered to the shadow DOM of the <media-theme> element so you can make use of <slot>’s to project HTML elements from the light DOM to the shadow DOM.

In the example below we make use of a forwarding slot for the media, the video element will end up in the layout defined by the media controller.

<template id="tiny-theme">
    <slot name="media" slot="media"></slot>

<media-theme template="tiny-theme">

Edit Media Chrome Tiny Theme

Themes support variables that get passed into the theme via HTML attributes. Variables are accessed with double curly brackets inside the theme. This is an example of a theme supporting a custom variable username

<template id="vars-theme">
    <slot name="media" slot="media"></slot>
    <media-text-display slot="top-chrome">
      {{username ?? 'Unknown username'}}

<media-theme template="vars-theme" username="bobbytables">

Edit Media Chrome Vars Theme

In the example above the username attribute is provided to the <media-theme> element and this is then rendered in the template.

Learn more about Handling variables in Themes here, including special variables that are already available in your theme.

Partials are defined by using an inner <template> element with a partial attribute which is set to a unique name in your theme.

<template partial="PlayButton">

These can then be used in other places in the theme with a partial variable like so {{>PlayButton}}. They can also accept parameters by adding them after the var name {{>PlayButton section="center"}}.

Learn more about partials and how you can use them to create a Responsive Theme.

When elements need to be left out from the theme when certain conditions are met it’s possible to use a conditional. A conditional is also defined by an inner template with an if attribute. The value of this if attribute can be a simple equality check or just an empty check.

<template if="streamtype == 'on-demand'">

Edit Media Chrome Multi-layout Theme

Learn more about conditionals and how you can use them to create a Responsive Theme.